Our ever popular fete and dog show will be held on Peckham Rye Common on Saturday 6th September 2025 from 12-5pm. It takes a lot of work to run the fete and we especially need volunteers to run the coconut shy and children’s races. Please contact us on peckhamryepark@gmail.com if you can give us an hour or two of your time.
We had another wonderful fete and dog show last year on Saturday 7th September. A busy crowd enjoyed all the fun of the dog show, sack races, coconut shy, Punch and Judy, the Friends-run stands and stalls such as the Pimms, wine and beer stand, the tea and cakes tent, and the book and plant stalls, along with a variety of other food stands and stalls
The dog show profits are given to charity.
All other profits from last year’s fete were spent on clearing the central rose beds on the Sexby Garden which had become seriously overgrown and most of the roses need replacing.